We offer top notch Call Center services which include inbound calls, outbound calls and Customer Support Services. Our other services include Bulk SMS services, Website solutions, Social Media support, Sales support, Emails and Back Office Support.
Techlinehub provide an array of customer contact management solutions in areas such as Communications, Technology, Healthcare, Real Estate, Logistics, Financial services, Transportation, Energy and Hospitality industries among others.
Leads and Calls Management System
Manage leads and your call center calls using an automated software. Try for free Now
Virtual Call Center Setup or In need of a Corporate/Business Line?
Do you have budget constraints and difficulties in setting up a call center? We got your back. We can set up a call center for you within a day for inbound and outbound calls whether for your remote staff or inhouse staff. You only need to have a computer/Laptop, headset and internet connection. We will provide a preconfigured dedicated line and do all the configurations for you. Request a virtual demo and free trial here. Call/Whatsapp: +254711634638 / +254111054410